What is H. pylori?

Helicobacter treatment in ValenciaH.pylori (Helicobacter pylori, Helicobacter pylori infection) is a gastric infection that develops when the gastric mucosa is infected with bacteria of the same name. H. pylori is distributed throughout the world. According to some estimates, up to 50% of the world's population is infected with this infection. As a rule, H. pylori strikes a person at an early age, but cases of a later disease are not uncommon. In those parts of the world where most children are infected before the age of 10 years, the prevalence of H. pylori in adults under 50 years of age reaches 80%.

For many people, H. pylori infection does not cause any stomach problems or any other symptoms throughout their lives. But in some people, this infection leads to serious gastroduodenal diseases (chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer and stomach cancer).

Symptoms typical of the onset of these diseases are pain and/or discomfort in the upper abdomen, nausea, and vomiting.

It is still not known why H. pylori infection in some patients leads to serious illness, while others do not experience any problems due to the presence of infection.


Most people with an H. pylori infection do not experience any discomfort. Symptoms of an infection appear when bacteria cause peptic ulcers to develop. In this case, a person pays attention to the following manifestations:

  • pain or discomfort in the upper abdomen
  • feeling of heaviness after eating a small amount of food,
  • lack of feeling of hunger,
  • nausea or vomiting
  • feeling tired - more than usual.

Peptic ulcer disease is not always caused by H. pylori infection. Often the cause of the development of ulcers is the use of potent painkillers. But, if you notice any of the symptoms listed above, consult a specialist.


Yes. Today, a number of specialized tests have been developed to diagnose H. pylori infection. Tests may include:

  • blood tests,
  • breath tests (measure the difference in a person's breathing before and after taking the drug),
  • laboratory tests that check a sample of the intestinal microflora to detect H. pylori infection,
  • biopsy - a small piece of tissue is taken from the stomach lining for analysis. The test is very fast and reliable.


You should be tested for H. pylori infection if you have any of the above symptoms and if:

  • in the presence of a stomach or duodenal ulcer,
  • in the presence of an ulcer in the past,
  • in the presence of stomach cancer,
  • if necessary, take anti-inflammatory drugs or aspirin for a long time.

You can make an appointment with us and get tested for H. pylori infection.


People diagnosed with H. pylori infection should be treated. Mandatory treatment is indicated for people who have had a stomach or duodenal ulcer in the past or who have an active ulcer. Therapy will prevent the formation of new ulcers and significantly reduce the risk of complications (such as bleeding).

The main treatment for H. pylori is antibiotics. It is important to strictly follow the schedule for taking medications. For most people, treatment lasts 2 weeks and includes 1 to 3 different medications.

Most often, the treatment regimen includes taking a proton pump inhibitor. This drug reduces the production of acid in the stomach, which helps preserve and protect tissues damaged by infection. Examples of proton pump inhibitors are lansoprazole, omeprazole, pantoprazole, rabeprazole, dexlansoprazole and esomeprazole.

It is also recommended to take two antibiotics in addition - this reduces the risk of unsuccessful treatment and the development of antibiotic resistance.

For H. pylori treatment to be effective, it is important to complete the full course.

It is worth mentioning the possible side effects, since they are observed in about half of patients during therapy. In most cases, these are fairly mild manifestations, and only about 10% patients experience sufficient discomfort to stop treatment. Usually, the severity of side effects is reduced by adjusting the dose or time of taking the drugs.

Some of the more common side effects are described below.

  • In some cases, a drug called metronidazole or clarithromycin is used to treat H. pylori. It can cause a metallic taste in the mouth. Alcoholic beverages should be avoided during treatment with this drug, as this combination leads to redness of the skin, headache, nausea, vomiting, sweating and increased heart rate.
  • Bismuth, which is found in some preparations, can cause constipation and black stools.
  • Some drugs can also cause diarrhea and stomach cramps.

It is necessary to take into account the high risk of treatment failure - until 20% patients with H. pylori infection are not cured after the first course. In this case, a second course is usually recommended. Retreatment usually involves taking a proton pump inhibitor and two antibiotics for 14 days. At least one of the antibiotics must be different from those used in the first course of treatment.

Recently, the number of patients with antibiotic-resistant H. pylori infection has increased, so it is important to carefully take all prescribed medications and, at the end of the course of treatment, carry out a test confirming that the infection has been eliminated.


After treatment, a control test is performed to confirm that the H. pylori infection has been eradicated. Typically this is a breath test.

The blood test is not recommended for control testing; the antibody found by the first blood test often remains in the blood for four or more months, even after the infection has cleared up.

Sign up for H. pylori treatment. and complete a full course of prevention under the supervision of experienced professionals.

One thought on “Лечение Хеликобактер в Валенсии

  1. Guest says:

    We thank the author for the material provided.
    Conditions caused by H. pylori infection can vary from minor to serious. It is known that most people with this infection do not experience any symptoms. However, if symptoms occur, they may include pain and discomfort in the upper abdomen, nausea and vomiting. These symptoms may indicate the development of chronic gastritis, peptic ulcers, or stomach cancer, which may be associated with H. pylori infection. It is important to note that the presence of symptoms is not a specific indication of the presence of H. pylori infection, and only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment.

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